Thursday, August 14, 2008

Picture Time and catch up time

Okay, so I haven't updated like I said I would... Well, let's see, Arcadia has been loving her time in her school. I'm sure we'll have NO issues with her going 8:15 to 4:15 next week. Ahh... the sweet sounds of silence, though she is pretty good when she's home anyways. And Ken is LOVING and I mean LOVING school! He loves having his own desk and his own cubby, etc. It's so cute. Tomorrow his class is having a "Teddy Bear Picnic" so he's taking in his little spotted dalmation puppy he won at Elitches (I can't get him to let go of it at all... LOL)

Now for pictures! (okay.. it's only one picture, I'm too tired to post anymore right now... I'll save that for Photo Phriday)

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