Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The countdown to Turkey day...

Well, the kids are "officially" on vacation from school for the next five days. The entire Kindergarten class (five classes all together) hosted their annual Thanksgiving Feast. Parents were all asked to bring something (from plates and cups to the Turkey itself). There were tons of pumpkin pies, tons of turkey, tons of appetizers... it was actually a really nice feast. Something for everyone. Arcadia's class made the Mayflower and that was on stage as a "centerpiece". They also each made a separate one to bring home. Arcadia, of course, forgot to put her name on hers, so hopefully we didn't steal someone else's masterpiece. That is now our centerpiece of our table for Thanksgiving. I wonder if the clay will actually dry at some point... only time will tell, right?

I have our Turkey almost thawed out. I'm sticking it in the brine tomorrow. Then off to the Fryer it goes Thursday afternoon. Good ole Alton Brown never disappoints! I have potatoes and may actually try my hand at making homemade hashbrowns... yea... we'll see how that goes... HA. The house is all cleaned, just a few little things to put away (like the deliveries that came today).

Thank you Grandma and Aunt Pat for the Holiday doorbell and the Auto disguise. LOL I've always seen them everywhere. Now to go get batteries for the doorbell... Kids used my last C.

Now to sit and actually figure out my menu for Thursday. Nothing too fancy, but still have to shop for it all.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kids and Pets...

Well, we have had our hamster, May, for one month now. The kids absolutely love her still and shower her with little things when they can or with attention. Ken broke into his piggy bank and bought her a hamster ball. She absolutely loves it and loves to "run" around the house in it. She's basically explored every inch of the first floor. We haven't allowed her on the second floor or the basement for obvious reasons, don't need a loose rodent in the house... LOL

The fish are fine. I never realized how active Goldfish really were, or how long they can live. We did research and it looks like Arcadia could take these two to college with her if she wanted. LOL