Sunday, November 30, 2008

End of the Month

Wow, I can't believe it's only 26 days until Christmas! Where did this month go? I certainly don't remember it going by so quickly before. This month was jammed pack with activities and we sure kept busy. Next month looks to be just as busy! Next weekend we plan on having our company party. The weekend after Arcadia has her ballet recital on Friday night OR we can attend her Peace Program for school. They are both on the same nights at the same time. She just has to decide which one is more important to her. Either way the next day is the Festival of Lights here in town and her ballet school will be performing as long as the weather is nice. Ken's cub scout pack is in the parade that night and we start work on the float at 3 that afternoon. Oh and speaking of Scouts, earlier that same week we have Ken's pack meeting where he will get his Pinewood Derby Car... Woot... that's the exciting stuff!

Then the weekend after that we have a Client Christmas party to attend and then that week is Christmas... Geez... enough to do, don't you think? It'll go by quickly, I know...

Hope everyone got their fill of turkey this past Thursday! I know I did. :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Back in the swing

Finally... after feeling cruddy all last week... I'm starting to feel better.

This past weekend we went to get our family pics taken (yes, Grandma, you'll be getting one... :))
I think it turned out pretty good, don't you?
Tiger Scouts went really well this week. We're starting to fall into a good pattern and the boys stay interested the entire time (for the most part). They started out coloring turkeys and doing mazes. Then we moved into the living room and we started out by going over some new rules that they got to help make up. I then passed out "rounders" to them with their names on them and leather strips hanging from them to tie beads to when they do things. First they get a bead for attending the meeting, then they get one for good deeds done during said meeting (helping with cleanup, etc. it will get harder to earn them as they get older though). The boys then made felt turkeys and had a ball doing it. I even have enough left over materials for Arcadia to make one of her own. We then had some drinks and went over the bobcat materials again... I tell ya... you have to drill it in for them to remember the different things needed, but they're getting it! I want to be proud of my boys at the next pack meeting when they receive their bobcat patches and their instant recognition kits (which they've already earned one bead on, though they officially don't get it until they fulfill all the requirements for the bobcat patch first.
Ken's doing better this week. It's surprising how different each day is with him. We loosened the punishments and that seem to help his behaviour. Weird, eh?
We got our skis this past weekend and the kids are so excited. Guy's taking them on Saturday to the slopes. I'm fine with this since I'm not a great skiier. You wouldn't think I'd be that nervous by now, but... I am!!! Oh well... LOL
Guy and I are going to a concert tomorrow night. This will be Guy's first "real" concert. I was taken to one by my friends when I turned 21, but haven't been to one since then. This is going to be sooo fun!!! We're going to see Coldplay at the Pepsi Center. I can't wait! :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Oil Rig or something... (don't remember the name to tell ya the truth)

This is the kid's version of the ride at Elitch's. :) The kids loved it! I hope you like the video.

Phabulous Photo Phriday - Thursday edition

I know it's not Friday, but I promised pictures in my post yesterday, so here are some of them... :)

My Pretty Pretty Princess

and her pretty pretty princess hair that I got really good at doing.

Ken and Arcadia and their friends (the girl next to Ken is his little girlfriend and the girl next to Arcadia is one of her best friends and Ken's girlfriend's little sister)

Arcadia and her BF on the roller coaster... The first picture was how we first found her when the coaster started moving... Then she saw us and smiled... :)

This is from the last Pack meeting. We had two SWAT officers come in from the City of Greeley. The boys and dads were very enthralled and continuously asked them questions while the one on the left put on the full uniform. Unfortunately... my camera died, so I have to wait to get the full uniform from one of my boy's mom who fortunately had her camera with her. Whew!!!

I did get these two pics also... then poof...

But the boys were entranced, none the less.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Scout's Honor

I have received my uniform for Scouting... Now, to put all the pieces together. Who knew how hard it was to do this. I certainly don't remember all the stuff that went into it (okay... so I really do remember... I remember going to JC Penney's with Mom and going to the scouting section of the store and getting all the stuff. I just never had to put it all together... LOL) With Boy Scouting I can either go to to get my stuff or I can drive to down town Denver (which really NEVER happens!) to get it... ALOT easier to get my stuff online, I'll tell ya! And I had to go hunt down Navy trousers, do you KNOW how hard it is to find those things in this area??? I finally found two different pairs at Kohls. I stuck with the Lee's since I like those... LOL

As for things on the Ken front... He's on yellow already this week. That boy just can't keep his hands to himself. He's talking and chatting and bugging neighbors and friends across the way. He's already at the front of the room nearest to the teacher when she's at the board. Just never knew that the little boy that wouldn't talk for the longest time is getting in trouble because he's the main talker in the class.

Ken does also have two loose teeth!!! Finally! They aren't very wiggly, but they certainly aren't stuck in place any longer. Yea!!!!

Arcadia is the same as ever. She's doing good in school. We have parent teacher conferences the week of Thanksgiving. She's a real chatterbox, non stop talking here at home. At least she's not like that at school (that we know of... yet).

That's it for now. I have new pictures of the kids and their friends from two weekends ago. It's so cute...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tiger Scouts et al.

So... today was our first "real" meeting. I'm sure things will get easier as we go along... We did our Bobcat requirements. I guess I really did make an impact on Ken because he remembers it all from last week! I'm proud. Now to finish our home requirements so he can get his patch at next week's Pack meeting. Oooo... I also need to get the numbers into my Pack leader so we can have the right amount of patches, etc. to have for the pack meeting. I also have to get the rest of Ken's uniform ordered along with my uniform... yep... that's right... I have a uniform too. Whoo hoo... ;) I best get it ordered so we can be dressed correctly for the next meeting! LOL AAAGGGHHHH!!!!

Let's see we colored in Police and Firemen pictures. We worked on our Motto, Promise, Salute, Handshake, etc. We made a Den Sign with the boys Handprints and names on them. Then they colored an American Flag and then went and played. Next week we have a Pack meeting and thank goodness I don't have to do anything for it... LOL I do need to work with the boys about the Flag Ceremony so they can participate at the Pack meeting!

Right now we only have five boys, but I'm sure I can get it to grow! I got four of those five on my own!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Crazy Schedules (aka, when do I have the time?)

This is the beginning of craziness for me... This week... I need to finish organizing the living room and basement. I have Tiger Scouts here tomorrow. We're going to study safety and about the town. I have to schedule a visit to the Fire Museum this month so hopefully that will be a fun trip.

Wednesday I have a webinar and I have to do more organizing, etc.

Thursday we have Arcadia's ballet class and Friday we are having Guy's cousins over to look at baby stuff. Yep... we have a new edition coming... not for us, but for Ken's godfather! They're finally expecting and we couldn't be more excited. They're coming over here for dinner and to look at our stuff and to see if they might be able to use it so I have to get the stuff pulled out for them to look it over (and to get it cleaned up and dusted off, etc.).

This weekend I have my annual craft show. I still have more sewing to do for it in my "spare time". Don't know when that's going to happen, but it will!

Updates will happen as I have the time... :)