Thursday, September 25, 2008

Red Light

Ken is on Red Light now at school. He just keeps talking back to the teachers. I'm very surprised that she hasn't put him on blue light yet. I let his teacher know that she shouldn't be afraid to put him on blue light. Of course... if she does that today... he is grounded all weekend and won't be able to go to the zoo tomorrow on the school field trip. That really took him by surprise. He's promising up and down that he'll be good. I'll find out for sure in an hour, but I have a feeling he'll be with me here tomorrow.

Arcadia is out of school tomorrow - teacher inservice day. So she may or may not go out with Daddy and have fun with him working... We shall see...


PALMommy said...

Hopefully there will be NO "blue light special" and he'll get to go. What gives with him lately? Has he talked to the school counselor? editor said...

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