Tuesday, February 24, 2009

She's another year older! When did that happen?

Arcadia had her birthday last week and it was a big one for her. She's now five! Waaaa... My baby CANNOT be five! Eh... like that's going to stop her from growing up!

We had a party for her at Pump It Up. She LOVED it!!! Said it was her "Best Birthday Ever". Man... now I have to try and top it every year ;) not really... she's easily amused!

Here are a few pictures from the party. She had a ball as did all her friends. We have more pictures, but they are on the other camera in the other car... shall get that out and update later!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Picture catch up day...

Here's our little man and his Daddy with their Pinewood Derby car - The Green Machine

The Lineup... The Tiger Cars are on the first row on the bottom

And the winners are..... (the boy on the left was the over all winner of the Tigers AND of Pack 109, he had a speedy little car!)

Some Christmas pics